May 2022

20 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Another one of those tips that seems obvious, but is surprisingly easy to overlook. When I was working on mastering this non-verbal communication skill, I set an alarm to go off every 30 minutes that said “POSTURE!” Most of the time, I was slouching. Improving Communication: Developing Effective Communication Skills Effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many aspects of life. Many jobs require strong communication skills. People with

How to Get W-2 from Previous Employers Easily

You have two options. You can either contact your employer who may still have a copy with their pay roll department OR you can contact the IRS and request a transcript from that year. A transcript will have any information listed on a W-2 form that is needed to file a tax return. Find your W-2 online. File your taxes faster. Wondering how you can get a copy of your

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