
Hi everyone! Welcome to our blog about medicine and psychology. We hope you will find our articles interesting and useful.

Our team

Our team consists of highly qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable healthcare industry professionals. We are passionate about medicine and psychology as well as about writing. We want to share our knowledge and experience with our readers.

Meet our team:

  • Mandy Simpson, psychologist
  • Rachel Brighton, therapist
  • Mike Sher, neurologist
  • Ellison Greenberg, pharmacist
  • Anthony Sparks, cardiologist
  • William Kington, adolescent medicine specialist

The main reason for our blog existence

What modern people do when they get concerns regarding their mental or physical health? Do they rush to make an appointment with the doctors? Nope, they try to find information on the Internet.

Sadly, 95% of the content that discusses health-related issues is created by writers who have no medical background. For this reason, most blog posts provide inaccurate information. As a consequence, people who use bits of advice from the web, risk harming their health.

Our team has a goal to provide internet users with 100% accurate, useful, and relevant information. All our articles are based on scientific studies and researches. We never give advice that may endanger our readers.

Our blog is for everyone

We are going to discuss various topics: from obesity and Lyme disease to eating disorders and schizophrenia. We strive to provide every internet user with helpful information. Our blog will be useful for everyone:

  • Students who work on their school assignments
  • Adults who try to fight anxiety and depression
  • Seniors who want to know how to prevent cardiovascular diseases
  • Parents who have the intention to learn more about the mental health of their kids
  • Professionals in the healthcare field who try to keep their knowledge up to date
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